Decycl: solving business needs through community.

We get recyclers more money for their time and effort and save businesses money on their recycling fees.

Recyclers Businesses

Decycl's Mission is to connect Businesses with Recyclers to bring value to everyone.

Recyclers for profit, are people in Los Angeles depend on sorting through trash and gathering recycling in order to make money. For people that do this, this is their livelihood. We wanted to solve this problem and created decycle to tackle these issues.

Decycl connects recyclers with businesses. Each month businesses pay for their recycling to be disposed of, incurring expenses for the business. In the meantime, people who search for empty bottles and cans have a hard time finding items that can be recycled for money and there is the risk of injury and illness for those that dig through mixed trash and recycling.

Decycl mitigates this problem by connecting businesses with unneeded recycling with people who make their livelihood from recycling items.

Our purpose is to improve the lives of people that sell recycling, and promote recycling.

Decycl Works to Connect Recyclers with Businesses

We provide recyclers-for-profit a way to get access to pre-sorted, beverage recycling waste that can be sold for a profit while providing businesses an alternative to expensive recycling programs.

Individuals who Recycle for Profit

Save time and get more money for your efforts.

  • Sorted Beverage Recycling Pickups
  • Fill out the form and get notified by SMS when pickups are available.
  • Earn more for your efforts
  • Keep the money you make.
Get started


Low or No cost beverage recycling pickup

$0 /month
  • Set your own pickup schedules
  • Place sorted beverage recycling in a designated spot for pickup by a recycler for profit
  • Play a role in improving the community and making a commitment to recycling as well as raising awareness
Get started

What people are saying about Decycl

The decycle team took to the streets to interview future users of Decycl. See what they had to say...

If I didn't sell recycling, I wouldn't have money to pay my rent.

"I collect recycling to keep a roof over my head, and it's something I depend on."

After I heard about Decycl getting more recycling for me to sell--I thought--Man! That's too good to be true!

What Decycl is doing will help me to keep a roof over my head."

profile picture
-Recycler for profit

If Decycl is gonna save me some money, I'm all in!

"We are paying to have recycling picked up every month, and we are losing money that could be in put to better use.

I heard about Decycl and I'm all for it! I would be down to participate"

profile picture
Venice Local Restaurant
A Business